In recent years, the word value has become almost meaningless. This watered-down version of value frustrates anyone striving to improve sales effectiveness and overall business results. We know customers want value. But, what does that mean exactly?
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Improve Selling by Breaking These 5 Value Myths
Topics: Negotiating with Backbone, Selling with Confidence, Uncovering your Value
3 Ways To Start Building an Enterprise Sales Process
Most sellers follow some sort of sales process. The companies for whom they work may not label specific stages or track opportunities within them; nevertheless, the process exists. As an independent business owner, I was keenly aware of how many people I needed to contact to hold a certain number of consulting appointments to sell a certain number of products. I didn’t label my stages, but you better believe I knew how to work my numbers to hit specific revenue targets. If I didn’t, I couldn’t pay my bills, and as a straight-commission sales person, those numbers, at every step of the process, mattered.
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Sales enablement is not about sales. “What? That doesn’t make sense,” you might think to yourself. I’ll go a little further. Sales enablement as a concept is flawed at its core. Bold words from someone who loves sales and makes a good living focused on sales enablement. Let me explain…
Topics: Newsletter