Usage-based pricing, or quantity-based pricing, is the next iteration of the subscription economy, especially for B2B software companies. If you’re considering how your company would fare with usage-based pricing, there’s no time like the present, but here are a few things to think about before you jump in.
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Are You Ready for a Usage-Based Pricing Model?
Topics: Pricing with Confidence, Uncovering your Value, Pricing Strategy
3 Principles to Guide Pricing Decisions During Uncertain Times
Given all the disruption and change this year, challenging your commercial organization’s go-to-market strategy is a totally reasonable endeavor. The big questions are:
Topics: Pricing with Confidence
2019 was an exciting year for Holden Advisors, filled with thought-provoking and timely content reflecting key takeaways from special events and outlining optimal strategies to address the most pressing commercial challenges. As we reflect on the past year, we wanted to take this opportunity to thank you for your continued interest in our publications and spotlight the 5 articles you loved the most in 2019.
Topics: Negotiating with Backbone, Selling with Backbone, Commercial Transformation
Investors have long heralded pricing power as one of the best predictors of a company’s long-term financial success. Warren Buffett’s famous quote from 2010 captures the sentiment.
Topics: Pricing with Confidence
2018 was an exciting year for Holden Advisors, filled with thought-provoking and timely content shared in our weekly blog as our experts summarized their key takeaways and outlined key strategies for B2B's most relevant pricing and selling challenges.
Topics: Negotiating with Backbone
Holden Advisors works with General Managers to improve the commercial performance of their businesses. Throughout the course of our work, we have identified a disconnect between the vision for and the reality of pricing functions within many organizations. Given the dynamics at play in these markets, and how customers are functionally served within them, it is no surprise a clear contradiction has emerged. As a result, we conducted a survey to validate our findings. Over the course of our research, we asked GMs to reflect on the pricing function within their teams and define their wants and needs for the pricing discipline. For the first question, we asked GMs to describe their ideal vision for the pricing function. Then, we asked them to compare and contrast this vision to the current reality. The responses were grouped into the three distinct categories defined below. Here is what we learned:
Topics: Pricing with Confidence