Celebrating 10 Years of Pricing with Confidence (video 9 of 11)
Topics: Negotiating with Backbone, Pricing with Confidence, Celebrating 10 Years of Pricing with Confidence
However, the promise of the merger can often fall short of the reality.
Topics: Newsletter, Selling with Confidence
In our most recent pricing improvement project, we were tasked with finding some low-hanging fruit to execute in 60 days. Our client, a $9B company that has grown as a result of multiple acquisitions is dealing with very complex systems, process, and people integration issues.
Topics: Newsletter, Pricing with Confidence
Move from Cost-Plus to Value-Based Pricing
Topics: Pricing with Confidence, Celebrating 10 Years of Pricing with Confidence
Topics: Pricing with Confidence, Celebrating 10 Years of Pricing with Confidence
Good-Better-Best Pricing: Would You Pay More for "Better"?
Good-better-best pricing is everywhere. Companies often offer choices on just about everything from all-organic ingredients, to cable bundles for sports fans and those for movie buffs, or pay-in-advance hotel reservations.
Think What Price Can Do, Not What Price Should Be
During a recent conversation, a pricing manager from a client confessed he felt frustrated with his current state of affairs. He felt the way his company manages pricing is reactive. Exasperated, he cried out, “I want people to stop asking me what we want our prices to be, and start asking me what we want our prices to do!”
Topics: Newsletter, Pricing with Confidence
Tech Giants Apple, Google, and Amazon Get Pricing Right
In an article published recently in the “Technology” section of The Wall Street Journal, the author, Jack Nicas, alluded to pricing excellence in the three giants of U.S. and global technology: Apple, Google, and Amazon. Here are the results of the last quarter:
Topics: Newsletter, Pricing with Confidence
Field Report: Using Give-Gets Nets Sales Team $150k Profit Improvement
I received a call late Friday afternoon from one of our clients, a $800m DaaS company. The VP of Sales Transformation had attended a recent Negotiating with BackboneSM workshop and played the role of a Coach. She was collecting revenue-and-profit impact stories from the 30 employees who had also attended the workshop, and she was thrilled with the results they were reporting.
Topics: Newsletter, Selling with Confidence
A Pricing Buzz Saw is Not Exclusive to Procurement: Expect Aggressive Negotiation Tactics from All Angles
In our book Negotiating with Backbone, Reed Holden describes strategies and tactics designed to combat the Procurement Pricing Buzz Saw. The situation was described well in a white paper by Reed Holden Selling to Procurement: The New Normal. I strongly urge you to request it and read it.
Topics: Negotiating with Backbone