O Tannenbaum, O Tannenbaum how lovely are your branches.
O Tannenbaum, O Tannenbaum how can you price stay stable.Recent Posts
Have you become trapped in your own mindset – convinced you are selling a commodity or that even you yourself have become commoditized? Are you falling prey to confirmation bias when you sell? Well, sellers, it’s time to wake up and start thinking differently.
Topics: Negotiating with Backbone
News From the Field: Four Key Insights from Executives Focused on Improving Their Bottom Line
At a recent partner conference, CEOs and Presidents of value-added resellers discussed how to support their commercial teams and navigate the evolving landscape of selling, training, organizational design, and trust. Listen as Adele shares the Executives' viewpoints on what to start doing now to defend value in the marketplace.
Topics: Negotiating with Backbone
Is Your Product a Commodity? Is it really? Or, does your customer cry commodity to get you to decrease your price? Adele McLean talks about how you can get out from under the negotiation tactic "cry commodity" to avoid the commodity trap.
Field Report – Are You Saying “No” Too Much in Your Team?
I have been reflecting on Travis Umpleby’s article, 3 Qualities of a High-Performance Pricing Team, and I wanted to share some observations from my recent client work about teaming and its impact on project success or failure.
Topics: Newsletter
Why Pricing Is So Hard and Why Most Companies Mess It Up
Its hard to believe its been 10 years since we released Pricing with Confidence: 10 Ways to Stop Leaving Money on the table. In that time, the book has become a global success, published in different languages, and read and followed by executives from Fortune 1000 B2B companies.
Topics: Pricing with Confidence, Celebrating 10 Years of Pricing with Confidence
Field Report: Using Give-Gets Nets Sales Team $150k Profit Improvement
I received a call late Friday afternoon from one of our clients, a $800m DaaS company. The VP of Sales Transformation had attended a recent Negotiating with BackboneSM workshop and played the role of a Coach. She was collecting revenue-and-profit impact stories from the 30 employees who had also attended the workshop, and she was thrilled with the results they were reporting.
Topics: Newsletter, Selling with Confidence
A Holiday Carol to all CEOs and GMs from your sales team: ‘All I Want for Christmas are Some Negotiation Tools that Work for Me’.
Topics: Negotiating with Backbone, Pricing with Confidence, Selling with Confidence